Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013


POIL & Nii

 Impressive and delirious, PoiL (lyon) is lead by three musicians know not limitations and prohibitions.

PoiL flow, dance and dash between the energy of punk, the beauty of chamber music and the chaos of a factory on the brink of explosion.

The trio combines raw madness and virtuosity evoking thoughts of Frank Zappa, Frederic Chopin and Charlie Chaplin.
In the audience, the heads bang, the cries burst forth. Jubilant and stock!

Ni are from Bourg en Bresse in France. They play precise, heavy, tuneful riffage, delighting in easy-on-the-ear math gymnastics with melodic attention underneath the hood, full of gleeful energy. Instrumental aside from the odd bit of involuntary yelling and gibberish, they’re magically light on their feet for such a rocking outfit, like a Percheron on ice skates